The first CreateAthon Austin will kick off Sept. 20 and run 24 hours.
During that time, volunteers will donate their creative marketing expertise to nonprofit organizations. and AIGA are sponsoring the event. They are inviting nonprofit organizations to apply for CreateAthon Austin now through July 22. They will notify the selected organizations by July 30..
“Austin is home to so many nonprofits that deserve creative marketing services to help them support their missions,” Erin Bender, President of AIGA Austin, said in a statement. “We look forward to making that possible through CreateAthon Austin, and can’t wait to see the work this event produces.”
“Bringing CreateAthon to Austin made total sense,” Dan Graham, co-founder and CEO of, said in a statement. “We live in a city full of creative professionals that are not only extremely talented, but also committed to giving back. The work this event produces in 24 hours can help make a tremendous impact in the community, and we are so excited to be a part of that.”
Now in its 14th year, more than 75 agencies have participated in the national CreateAthon network, hosting annual events across the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. The program has benefited more than 1,275 nonprofits with 3,100 projects valued at more than $15 million., an online custom printing provider, has 240 employees and $30 million in revenue last year.
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