It looks like Leisure Suit Larry will make a comeback in the 21st century.
On Kickstarter, Austin-based Replay Games has raised more than $600,000 exceeding its goal of $500,000 to remake the popular game from 1987. It has 13,610 backers showing that Leisure Suit Larry is still in demand.
Al Lowe, the game’s original developer, has agreed to come out of retirement to work on the new version. And the game developers have secured the license to reinvent Larry for the modern world.
Replay Games is giving away all kinds of perks to people who pledge to its Kickstarter campaign including the chance for a $5,000 contribution to be a character at Lefty’s bar where Larry hangs out. Only 13 hours remain before the campaign wraps up but since it already met and exceeded its goal it’s a sure thing that Leisure Suit Larry will prowl again.
And the game makers have cut prices on perks during the last day to lure even more backers and money to the project.