Sparefootad2Since its founding in 2008, SpareFoot has always tended to have some outrageous marketing projects.

Silicon Hills News reported on its annual pinup calendar.

And its unusual recruiting mockumentary video. (The video no longer seems to exist.)

Now SpareFoot has launched a new series of videos. It’s working with Austin-based ad agency, Titled Chair, to create the videos to promote storing goods with its tag line of “We Can Store That.” SpareFoot, which has raised $49.5 million in seven rounds of funding, runs a storage marketplace that makes it easy for people to find and book storage spaces online.

The three videos are bizarre to say the least. One features an older couple looking to store their sex toys because their adult child is suddenly coming home. Another features “The Brockwells,” a family of wrestlers who need to store some books.

And the final video in the series, launches on Monday, and features “Merpeople” who must find a place to store all of their seashells.

“To SpareFoot, it doesn’t matter if you’re storing sea shells or sex chairs: we’re up to the challenge,” according to a news release.