Founder of Silicon Hills News

Scientific researchTeVido BioDevices, a startup in Austin, recreates nipples and other body parts with 3-D printers using human cells.

iTraumaCare in San Antonio has created a life-saving clamp that quickly and easily prevents blood loss.

WiseWear, based in both San Antonio and Austin, has created a patch-like fitness device to track vital signs and more while working out.

Those are just a few of the biotech startups you will read about in this first annual issue of Silicon Hills News focused on the life sciences industry in Central Texas. This is Silicon Hills News’ second print magazine. The first, a field guide to Silicon Hills, debuted at South by Southwest Interactive in March and our Kickstarter backers made it possible. This issue is possible thanks to our advertisers: BioMed SA, the Texas State University Small Business Development Center, bankSNB, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce, Texans for Economic Progress, the World Stem Cell Summit, Geekdom and the University of Texas at San Antonio. Our next issue is on technology startups and will be published in October.

And thank you to the writers for this issue: Susan Lahey, Jonathan Gutierrez. Tim Green and Leslie Anne Jones.

It’s an amazing time to be in the healthcare and biosciences industry with all the innovation going on in treatments, drug development, medical devices and more.

In Austin, the life sciences industry generates more than $1 billion in economic activity, according to a recent report from the Austin Technology Council. Its strengths are in pharmaceutical manufacturing, research and development in physical, engineering and life sciences, research and development in biotechnology, surgical appliance and supplies manufacturing and biological product manufacturing.

The industry is expected to grow with the new Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin. The building is under construction now, and the school is expected to admit its first class in 2016.

A university-backed health science center can serve as a catalyst for a thriving healthcare and biotechnology industry in a city.

Look no further than San Antonio to see the impact of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio on the city. The Health Science Center serves as one of the cornerstones and catalysts of San Antonio’s bustling biosciences and healthcare industry, which employs more than one in every six jobs in San Antonio and has an overall economic impact of more than $29 billion, according to BioMed SA.
The Health Science Center has more than 3,000 students enrolled in five schools, which award 69 health-related degree specialties and pre- and post-baccalaureate certification programs.

Research organizations, private sector companies and the U.S. military drive the bioscience industry growth in San Antonio, according to BioMed SA. In addition to the Health Science Center, other major contributors to San Antonio’s industry include the University of Texas at San Antonio, InCube Labs Texas, the Texas Biomedical Research Institute, the Texas Research Park, Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, Cancer Therapy and Research Center, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio Army Medical Center, South Texas Accelerated Research Therapeutics and the National Trauma Institute.
Central Texas is a powerful region. When both communities collaborate and cooperate the region grows stronger and even more powerful. Cities no longer compete against each other. Austin, San Antonio and San Marcos are all thriving. The region competes globally for the best talent, resources, companies and institutions. And it has become a global hotspot for innovation in the life sciences industry with a cluster of universities, research and development institutions, medical technology startups and established companies.