images-2For the first time in its more than two year history, Geekdom will close its doors Friday at 2 p.m.
But don’t fret.
It’s only temporary.
Geekdom, the downtown technology incubator and co-working space in San Antonio, is moving to the historic Rand building, which dates back to 1913, this weekend. It will reopen on Monday in its new digs on the seventh floor with a celebratory brunch complete with mimosas and pastries from Bakery Lorraine.
Geekdom will occupy the sixth and seventh floors of the eight story Randy building and it’s also renovating a bi-level events space on the first floor. But until that space is complete, Geekdom will continue to hold its events on the 11th floor of the Weston Centre.
Its bigger companies like TrueAbility will move into the sixth floor of the Rand building later on this year.
And speaking of development in downtown San Antonio, Geekdom got a big shout out in this Wall Street Journal article.
“The building will eventually have a cafe, a rooftop bar, and other amenities “that the geeks want,” said Randy Smith. Mr. Smith is the president of Weston Urban, a real-estate development company founded in 2012 that aims to “create the ecosystem for tech entrepreneurialism” in San Antonio, Mr. Smith said,” according to the article.”Mr. Smith co-founded Weston Urban with Graham Weston, a native of San Antonio who is the chairman and chief executive of Rackspace, a cloud-computing company valued at $4.5 billion. Over the next five years, Weston Urban plans to develop a downtown district using four surface lots the group bought last year, along with three buildings it already owns, and by buying other properties. The plan includes 1,000 rental apartments plus restaurants, shops and other businesses designed to create a lively downtown.”

Geekdom is a sponsor of Silicon Hills News