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iRhBHP2w4rGr8PKYtGmdeSc-X0Ae3dLHsWKiR5il3uIStartups aren’t easy. Even if an entrepreneur has a great idea and business plan, jumping into a full time startup just isn’t viable without some financial cushion to get the company off the ground.
This is why Geekdom of San Antonio offers the $25,000 Geekdom Fund, which can be applied for monthly by members of the cooperative workspace. The fund was established in August of 2012 and has been awarded to seven startups as of this month. It is managed by Cole Wollak and Andrea Medina. The fund is financed by a group of private investors associated closely with Rackspace Hosting. Its goal: to create and keep a community of startups in San Antonio.
images-10The Geekdom Fund has six voluntary board members who double as mentors for the startups who apply. Applicants are not only able, but encouraged, to meet with the members one-on-one for individual feedback before addressing the full board. The current board members are Michael Girdley, Pat Condon, Cristal Glangchai, Nick Longo, John Mosher, and Mike Troy.
To apply for the fund, Geekdom members can go to