Registration for RISE Week 2013 kicked off today and already some sessions have almost filled up.
Do you want to know about veteran entrepreneur Gary Hoover’s latest venture, his fifth startup, and how he comes up with great ideas? There’s a session for that. Hoover founded the Bookstop book store chain and Hoover’s in Austin.
How about a course on the ART of the Startup? Bob Metcalfe, co-inventor of Ethernet, founder of 3Com and now professor of innovation at the University of Texas at Austin, has got that covered. He’s doing an introductory session on entrepreneurship. But you better hurry to sign up because only one spot out of 25 remained late Wednesday night.
There’s even a session on the Austin-San Antonio connection, organized by Roberto Rondero de Mosier. Jason Seats, TechStars managing director is participating along with Steven Quintanilla, founder of Kirpeep and Nick Longo of Geekdom. And Silicon Hills News might even be involved in the discussion on that one.
The nonprofit organization behind RISE hosts sessions by experienced entrepreneurs all over Austin from Monday, May 13 through Friday, May 17. The kickoff party is Monday at the Bullock Texas State History Museum. And the closing party, sponsored by Dell and Turnstone, is Friday night at Stage on Sixth.
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