Melissa Tyree of Itography, photo by Stephen Brashear, courtesy of the DEMO Conference

Itography from Dripping Springs officially launched today at DEMO Fall 2012 in Santa Clara, Calif.
The company makes a virtual item collection game for smart phones. It offers brands a new type of advertising by providing virtual representations of real products.
It’s like a virtual scavenger hunt. With the app, people can pick up items, collect them and share them. They can also win prizes in the process.
Melissa Tyree co-founded the company with her husband, Jeremy Tyree, architect and android developer, along with Kyle Grundmann, iOS Development and partner.
On the DEMO stage today, Tyree gave a six minute demonstration of Itography and its game and mobile advertising platform for brands.
Itography makes its money from a fee to make a brand’s collection and then a monthly service fee to keep the collection active. They can also make money from players who buy services.
VentureBeat, which runs the DEMO conference, selected Itography and more than 70 other companies to present at its event. The selected companies do pay a fee to present. But Itography, which is bootstrapped and went through Tech Ranch Austin’s Venture Forth program, is a DEMO scholarship partner program recipient.
For more on the company, read this profile Silicon Hills News did earlier this year and the VentureBeat article from today’s presentation.