SwimpTopia makes it easy to join a swim team.

The Austin start-up, known as TeamTopia, first product is SwimTopia, a web-based application that reduces the paperwork hassle involved in joining a swimteam, said Mason Hale, CEO of co-founder.

Launched earlier this year, SwimTopia has 2,700 registered users and 1,100 athletes for 6 teams. It has processed $120,000 in registration orders.

“At this point, we have a working product and customers who are happy,” Hale said.

The U.S. swimming market is estimated at 2.6 million athletes on 25,000 teams paying $250 registration fees and dues and another $300 million in merchandise and equipment.
50 million youth sports athletes in the U.S. that spean $5 billion in merchandise and registration fees.

“Every team uses its own registration, communication systems,” Hale said. “When I see this I see a big opportunity to save a lot of people a lot of time. To take the hassle out of something that is supposed to be fun. To enable coaches to spend more time coaching and parents to spend more time with their kids.”

The swim market is huge but it’s just the entry point to the overall youth sports market with 50 million children enrolled in organized youth sports, Hale said.