images-4The big takeaway from watching this summer’s buddy comedy, The Internship, about two middle aged laid off salesmen who become interns at Google, is don’t get so enamored of the latest technology and gadgets that you neglect real life.
And Google, for all its glory, is just a tool that humans use to get what they need to live better lives.
When technology rules our lives, we become unbalanced.
The older interns, played by Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, teach the young technology whizzes how to live in the real world and to appreciate every moment. The young technology whizzes also teach Wilson and Vaughn how to use technology to create better products. The intern groups must compete against each other in a series of tasks and the best team wins jobs at Google.
“We’re looking at some sort of mental Hunger Games against a bunch of Genius kids for just a handful of jobs,” Wilson says in the movie.
While a lot of the movie is just pure fiction, Google really does make its new Googlers, called Nooglers, wear multi-colored beanies with propellers on them. But another thing Google does is it pays its interns really well with a software intern making $6,463 a month.
Glassdoor did a report earlier this year and reported that Google ranks number one as the best place to intern.
The movie is hilarious. But as a big Hollywood motion picture, the Internship is loaded with stereotypes that some may find offensive. Google, though, comes through looking like a star.