imgres-1Mu Sigma, a global data analytics company, announced Thursday plans to open an Analytics Center in Austin with 300 employees.
The Chicago-based company reports the center will have 300 “decision scientists” plus support staff. It will have a “Delivery Center, Customer Lab and Innovations Lab.” The center will open in October and will complement Mu Sigma’s operation center with 2,500 employees in Bangalore, India.
Krishna Rupanagunta will run the Delivery Center and Customer Lab and Zubin Dowlaty will run the Austin Innovation Lab.
Mu Sigma has already hired more than 30 math, science and engineering graduates from Georgia Tech, University of Texas, University of Chicago, Purdue and Rutgers and other universities.
“Our client base is growing swiftly all over the world, and having a large analytics center in the U.S. will help us better serve clients who need rapid turnaround on their analytics projects,” Dhiraj Rajaram, founder and CEO of Mu Sigma said in a news release. “With decision scientists in both Austin and Bangalore, we’ll essentially have 24-hour coverage for clients.”
Mu Sigma selected Austin, “often touted as the Silicon Valley of the South” because of its educated workforce, culture of innovation, education system, “vibrant outdoor environment and affordability, which are all attractive to the decision scientists the company is planning to recruit.”
The Mu Sigma Analytics Center is located at 2222 Rio Grande Street.