images-2AngelHack takes place next weekend at Capital Factory starting at 9 a.m. on Saturday.
This is the second time AngelHack has held a hackathon in Austin. The first one took place last June at Mass Relevance’s headquarters.
This hackathon is focused on mobile apps. AppHack takes place in 30 cities worldwide and focuses on building mobile apps and teaching developers Android and iOS development.
The event also features workshops. Jeff Linwood is teaching an Android development workshop, Ryan Pitylak is teaching mobile customer acquisition and there’s also a cloud app platform workshop.
Steve Guengerich, co-founder with Appconomy, Josh Kerr, co-founder and CEO of and Pitylak, CEO of Unique Influence, are the judges and mentors., Lob, PayPal Develop, 99Designs and Capital Factory sponsor AngelHack.
Joshua Baer and Nicholle Jaramillo with Capital Factory are organizing the event.
The winner of the competition gets a chance to go to Angelhack’s HACKccelerator program and a trip to San Francisco.
Use the promo code, “SiliconH100” to get FREE tickets to AngelHack Austin.

Full disclosure: Silicon Hills News is a media sponsor of AngelHack.