Lumeris announced plans Tuesday to build a software engineering and innovation center in Austin and to hire 100 software engineers, project managers and consultants.
The St. Louis-based healthcare technology company develops software applications for healthcare providers to access on the Internet. Its technology seeks to improve quality and reduce healthcare costs.
Lumeris has raised $220 million from investors including Kleiner Perkins, Caufield & Byers, Camden Partners, Blue Cross Blue Shield Venture Partners and Sandbox Capital.
“Healthcare is a $2.6 trillion industry that is now embracing cutting edge information technologies to improve quality and drive down costs,” John Doerr, a partner at Kleiner Perkins said in a news release. “Our country’s economic future and health demands we succeed with this mission. We spend more than any other country in the world, but our life expectancy barely makes the Top 50. We can do better. The enormous talent pool in Austin makes it a great place to fuel Lumeris’ growth and innovation.”
Lumeris and Essence Healthcare, its sister company, have 550 employees in St. Louis, Boston and Hyderabad, India. It has annual revenue of $500 million.
Lumeris want to hire Web app developers and cloud experts. For more information on job postings and recruiting events, visit Lumeris’ website.
“There is no bigger technical challenge or worthy mission than fixing our country’s healthcare system,” W. Michael Long, CEO and Chairman of Lumeris said in a news release. “The digital revolution occurring in healthcare driven by breakthroughs in digital communications and data management and a national economic crisis created in part from unmanaged healthcare costs is moving fast. We need Austin’s best and the brightest who want to build really interesting things and improve the lives of their friends and loved ones. That’s my definition of cool.”
Long was previously CEO of Austin-based Continuum that was purchased by Computer Sciences Corp. He then helped launch healthcare giant Healtheon/WebMD, serving as CEO and Chairman.